Current Research Interests
Membrane receptors and channels represent the gateway through which the cell senses and responds to its environment. Most physiologically important processes are initiated by the interaction of cell-surface receptors/channels with extracellular mediators. This recognition event is communicated across the membrane, resulting in activation of intracellular signal transduction cascades. We ask how information is transmitted across the cell membrane at the molecular level.
It is easy to agree that "Seeing is believing". The roots of our research are in the power of x-ray crystallography and cryoEM to reveal the structures of biomolecules at atomic level, leading to insights in the physical basis of protein-protein interactions. The core approach is complemented by studies in solution or on membranes by hydrodynamics, small angle x-ray scattering, fluorescence imaging, and various biophysical tools. The structural, biochemical, and biophysical experiments lead to new hypotheses about biological function and mechanism. We also try to demonstrate our new hypotheses in cells using various cell biological tools. Crystal structures of drug target proteins can also be used to discover new lead compounds by structure-based drug discovery (SBDD) method. We are interested in various drug target proteins to treat various diseases including cancer.




Ph.D Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University (2007)
M.S Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University (2002)
B.S Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Seoul National University (2000) 


Professor Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University (2024-current)
Associate Professor Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University (2017-2024)
Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University (2014- 2017)
Assistant Professor Department of Bio & Nano Chemistry, Kookmin University (2010-2014)
Visiting Fellow NIDDK, National Institute of Health, USA (2007-2010)
Postdoc. The Research Institute of Basic Science, Seoul National University (2007)


2022 Best Lecture Award [서울대 자연대 우수강의상]
2019~present Editorial Board Member for Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group)
2020 Research Award [2020년 서울대 자연대 연구상]
2017 Lee Dae-Sil Award [2017년 이대실 젊은생명화학자상]
2016 KCS-Wiley Young Chemist Award [2016년 KCS-Wiley 젊은화학자상]
2016 Academy Award [2016년 한국구조생물학회 학술상]
2015 Blue Ribbon Lectureship Award [2015 한국분자세포생물학회 블루리본렉쳐]

‌R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

Structural biology of ‌membrane proteins
‌Cryo-EM structure of membrane proteins including GPCRs and ion channels
Mechanistic understanding of protein-membrane interactions
Biochemical, biophysical, and cell biological analysis based on protein structure
Structure-based drug discovery

‌S E L E C T E D   P U B L I C A T I O N

 Lee SN, Cho HJ, Jeong H, Ryu BH, Lee HJ, Kim M, Yoo J, Woo JS*, Lee HH (2023), "Cryo-EM structures of human Cx36/GJD2 neuronal gap junction channel", Nat. Commun. 14(1):1347

Min K, An DR, Yoon HJ, Rana N, Park JS, Kim J, Lee M, Hesek D, Ryu S, Kim BM, Mobashery S*, Suh SW*, Lee HH(2020), "Peptidoglycan reshaping by a noncanonical peptidase for helical cell shape in Campylobacter jejuni", Nat. Commun. 11(1);458.

Kim M, Kim HJ, Son SH, Yoon H-J, Lim Y, Lee JW, Seok Y-J, Jin KS, Yu YG, Kim SK, Ryu S* and Lee HH*(2016), "Non-canonical DNA binding mode of repressor and its disassembly by anitrepressor", Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA 113(18):E2480-2488.

Kim HJ, Yoon J, Matsuura A, Na JH, Lee WK, Kim H, Choi JW. Park JE, Park SJ, Kim K, Chang R, Lee Bl, Yu YG, Shin YK, Jeong C, Rhee K and Lee HH*(2015), "Structural and biochemical insights into the role of TEX14 in forming the stable intercellular bridges of germ cells", Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA 112(40):12372-12377.

Lee WK, Son SH, Jin BS, Na JH, Kim SY, Eunice EK Kim, Yu YG* and Lee HH*(2016), "Structural and functional insights into the regulation mechanism of CK2 by IP6 and the intrinsically disordered protein Nopp140", Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA 110(48):19360-19365.

Lee HH, Elia N, Ghirlando R, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Herley JH (2008), "Midbody targeting of the ESCRT machinery by a noncanonical coiled coil in CEP55", Science 322(5901):576-580.

Lee HH, Kin YS, Kim KH, Heo I, Kim SK, Kim O, Kim HK, Yoon JY, Kim HS, Kim DJ, Lee SJ, Yoon HJ, Kim SJ, Lee BG, Song HG, Kim VN, Park CM, Suh SW(2007), " Structural and Functional Insight into Dom34, a Key Component of No-Go mRNA Decay", Mol. Cell 27(6):938-950.